Our approach to COVID-19
Iconic Minds Ltd is continuously monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in order to be able to react to the dynamically changing situation at any time and to adapt our measures accordingly.
The health and safety of our customers, employees and clients is our top priority and these measures are constantly updated, guided by current alerts and information from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Following the government measures, Iconic Minds Ltd is helping to protect its workforce, to interrupt chains of infection and to contain the spread of the pandemic.
For the latest updates on COVID-19 restrictions in a local area, including business closures, please visit the GOV.UK website by clicking below.
Our employees
Iconic Minds Shaw & Co acknowledges that employers have a vital role to play by taking the necessary action to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and their families.
Our employees have received COVID-19 training and are committed to maintaining strict social distancing and hygiene standards by following the advice from the World Health Organisation and Public Health England.
Our Human Resources team has detailed processes in place to limit the transmission of infection including social distancing and extended hygiene protocols. Additionally, we are supporting our employees with amended sickness and time off policies for those who need to self-isolate, fall ill, or need to make other work-life adjustments for childcare and elder care.
Our office/Warehouse
All our services remain operational and We have taken additional precautions to protect our workforce and visitors. Newly introduced measures include increased cleaning and disinfection, high visibility signage to maintain safe social distancing, limited access for visitors and the availability of personal protective equipment.
We have comprehensive plans to temporarily close part or all of our office to perform deep cleaning in the event an employee or visitor is considered a risk, shows symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19.
We are liaising closely with our supply-chain to ensure continuance of supply and have taken the decision to increase our stock levels as part of our continuity planning.